
Welcome to Plum Creek Traditions: dedicated to getting back to a simpler life!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Where did we get the name "Plum Creek Traditions"?

Answer: Little House on the Prairie. Stop laughing, I'm serious. We are actually really big fans of the TV. show. I don't care how corny the show may seem, it has really good values and life lessons. I've been a fan for many years, but when I started staying home with Leila and I saw all of the garbage that was on TV for kids, I made the decision that I would rather my kids grow up watching Little House on the Prairie then a certain yellow sea sponge that shall remain nameless.
The more we watched the series as a family, the more we liked the idea of getting back to basics. After our son Jack was born, Dan and I were drifting further apart because we were so busy with the house, the kids, family, and work. We decided to start turning off the TV at night and start reading, and what did we start reading? The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder of course! If we’re going to watch the show, we should at least read the books! Every night after dinner, baths, and jammies, our little family of four curls up in our bed and we read. We will read as much as we can each night, with Dan and I taking turns reading (Someday, very soon, Leila will get her turn.) Not that there is anything wrong with them, but we do not read little kids books. We read books like Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, and of course the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We really feel that it is important to expose our children to literature and not just things like “see spot run, see spot jump.” I’m not at all saying that those books aren’t important. I’m just saying that you should not limit your children. They are much smarter then we all give them credit for. My parents always spoke to me as if I were an adult, meaning that they didn’t use tiny words or baby talk. I think it’s important to remember that your children will grow up speaking as they were spoken to.
Anyways, back to the Little House series. It is an amazing series of books. Laura’s writing style is so beautiful and detailed, and really absolutely NOTHING like the show. In the show the family settles in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, which is true, kind of. The Ingalls family moved around quite a bit actually and Walnut Grove was really only a small part of their life. To top it off, they didn’t actually live in Walnut Grove. They lived on the banks of…Plum Creek, a few miles from Walnut Grove. So, that’s where our name comes from.
If you haven’t read the Little House series, please do, and with your kids. She explains the ins and outs of everyday life as a pioneer. Her descriptions are so detailed; you could almost use the books as a manual to start “homesteading”. Laura explains everything from how to harvest maple syrup to how to make button necklaces. Through it all, you realize that your family doesn’t need hundreds of dollars of Christmas gifts, a perfectly decorated house, or even smart phones to be happy. We are so busy “socializing” through electronics that we forget to “socialize” with those that matter most; your family.
So, next time your family is trying to agree on a movie, try shutting the TV off and picking up a book. Each night, take turns reading a few chapters. It gives you all something to do, something to talk about, something to learn, and brings you closer together. I swear, it will change your family dynamic.

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